I'm a bad blogger...almost a month since my last one. Sorry about that! I'll make up for it with a good post about our trip back home.
We visited family and friends in Iowa and Missouri over the fourth of July holiday weekend and had a blast. We really fit a lot in and a lot of people. We spent the night with each of my 3 grandmas while home and that was a real treat for us all. Terrific food, great stories, photos, and laughs- it was perfect! You're never too big to spend the night with Grandma!
Spending time with my dad in Iowa was wonderful and we enjoyed trap shooting with him. I was a little nervous but Dad was a good teacher and I actually hit several targets. Eddie was awesome, of course, and loved it. And Dad and Lori, well they're in a league of their own- the professional league, really! We really enjoyed just sitting and talking together. Iowa is really quite beautiful in the summer with its' flowing green corn fields and bright blue skies. And the weather was perfect and pleasant!

Dad and Eddie shooting trap

New lil' babies near us...aren't they cute?!
We had a really great time with my mom, step-dad and brother Traivs. The morning of the 4th we went to a little nearby town, Hurdland, to watch the big parade. Unfortunately is was raining but we couldn't miss the parade since Travis was riding his horse in the parade. We found a good parking spot along the parade route, backed in the car, kept the wipers on and the windows up and then hollered out the windows cheering for Travis when he rode by. :-) He was very handsome atop his horse. Eddie was also impressed with the many varieties of tractors. It's a cute little parade.
Mom and Mike hosted a bbq at the house on the 4th and it was great seeing so many people and catching up. I love me some bbq!! Mom and I had a lot of laughs and it was fun just being around the house together. Eddie and Travis entertained the crowd with some lovely fireworks to top off the evening. Travis demonstrated his talent for making "sparkler bombs"- until you've heard one, you can't imagine how loud they are!

Travis demonstrating his sparkler bomb skillz
Travis and his buddy Brian treated us to a 4-wheeler ride at the farm and we loved it. Eddie drove and I rode behind and picked a bouquet of beautiful wildflowers along the way.

Eddie's dream was for ME to propose to HIM with an ATV...didn't quite happen but I think this helped tide him over

Blurry wildflowers...

We attended my neice, Isabella's baptism. Here she is with Grandpa Mike.

Lovely family ladies. (Terry, you made it on the internet!)
I'm just skimming the surface of all the fun we had. Thank you to EVERYONE for making our visit so great! We love you all and can't wait to come back again for more everything!! and you're always welcome to visit us too!