Thursday, November 19, 2009


It's hard to believe that we're already 24 weeks along in the pregnancy, which means only 16 weeks to go! How exciting!! I'm still feeling great, except for a few minor things. My feet have really started to hurt- maybe it's the extra weight I'm carrying around? I've been feeling very energetic for the most part and really pretty normal, other than the obvious. The baby is growing bigger every day and so am I. The bump is really obvious now and I love it!

The radiologists' report from our ultrasound was good and baby's doing A-okay in there and we're so thankful. Everything was normal and baby was right on target with what they expected. They weren't able to see quite everything they wanted because of the baby's position, so we're going back tomorrow for another ultrasound so they can be thorough and finish up. I'm so excited to see the baby again and how much he or she has changed in 2 weeks!!

Eddie has been super busy working to open another store in Florida. He's been in Miami for the past 10 days and comes home this evening. It sounds like the weather was really nice there, but unfortunately he didn't have any down-time to enjoy it. His hotel was a block from the beach and he wasn't ever able to step foot in the sand...poor guy! Can't wait to see him tonight!

We're really excited for Thanksgiving next week and looking forward to seeing family in NC. Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. I love Christmas too, but I love Thanksgiving for it's focus on delicious food, being thankful for our blessings, and just enjoying the opportunity to spend time with friends and family without the focus of gifts. This year, as always, we have so much to be thankful for!

24 weeks 1 day

Sunday, November 1, 2009

21 week ultrasound!

We had our 21 week ultrasound Friday, the 30th. Seeing Baby Garrett's little toes, legs, arms, fingers, nose, heart, etc. was incredible! I go back this week to hear the full report on the radiologist's readings from the ultrasound. We were very tempted but didn't peek at the baby's sex. We're looking forward to the big surprise at birth!

Eddie hates having his picture taken and prior to the ultrasound we were joking that the baby would probably take after him and try hiding from us....and it did! The baby was laying head down, face down and was laying with one arm beside the head and the other arm in front of the face. The technician was fortunately able to see everything she needed and we did end up with a pretty good profile shot, despite the baby's best efforts to hide. :-) It was wonderful to see how much the baby has grown and I feel so privileged to have this special little life growing inside of me. It's just so amazing and wonderful.