Last week I visited the oral surgeon and he "reluctantly suggested" I have them removed. Reluctantly suggest, what's that mean? He said that my xrays show signs that I ultimately might have problems with them in the future and need to have them removed. But here's the kicker... Apparently my wisdom teeth are particularly difficult to remove due to their angle and the fact that the roots are hugging my lingual nerve like a opossum on a branch. The oral surgeon says everyone has a slight risk but I'm in a high risk-group for losing permanent feeling in my lower lip! This means that I might be a dribbler before 30! He says I'm high-risk but not risky, so hopefully I will be fine. Also, he said that as I get older the chances of losing permanent feeling in my lip would only increase. I know he's very talented and came highly recommended so I'm going to hope for the best and get it over with. At least I'll be completely knocked out and hopefully not feel or remember a thing.
My sweet husband will be accompanying me and nursing me back to health. The fridge and pantry are stocked with Jell-O, Danimals yogurt (just for added fun), tomato soup, Cream of Wheat, and let's not forget the ice cream! Wish me luck!
You are so talented! I had my wisdom teeth (5 of them) out years ago. Yes, 5. Does that make me extra wise? DC is so beautiful. Raun and I want to come up and just wonder around as well as take out our niece and her husband! I can't believe it will be a year soon for you and Eddie! Thanks for doing the blog, it will help me to keep up with you and Eddie. Have a great day! Your young aunt Pam
Good wuk wiff your toofs Amy!
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