Saturday, March 28, 2009

kennedy center

We went to the Kennedy Center on St. Patrick's Day last week to see an Irish dancing performance.  The dancers were members of an Irish dancing school here in the DC area and ranged from little bitty kidlets to young adults.  They were awesome and the music was great! Apparently they're so good that they're competing in the World Irish dancing competition.  Sorry, no pictures of the dancers- my pictures turned out looking like colorful dancing blurs.

I've been to the Kennedy Center a handful of times but each time I'm always struck by how beautiful it is.  I'm a big fan of John F. Kennedy and am thankful for his appreciation of the arts.  He was a lifelong supporter and advocate of the arts and took the lead to raise the funds to build the Kennedy Center.  It was originally called the National Cultural Center but renamed after JFK's assassination and dedicated as a living memorial in his honor.
crystal chandeliers in the lobby

the outside patio overlooking the Potomac River and looking into Virginia

the Georgetown crew team rowing at sunset

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