Sunday, December 20, 2009

blizzard of 2009

Usually when the forecast calls for inclement weather in DC, it rarely amounts to much. I admit that I was skeptical when I heard the weekend forecast calling for a massive snow storm. "Yeah right", I thought to myself. "I'll believe it when I see it". Much to my delighted surprise, it really happened. We got 16.5" of snow this weekend in DC!!! Whoo-hooo!! We very rarely get snow that covers the ground in DC and to have this much at Christmas-time is awesome! Waking up to a white winter wonderland on Saturday morning was like a Christmas miracle. I heard on the news that DC hasn't had a white Christmas in 20 years and this was the 6th biggest snow storm in DC's history.
My dad and his girlfriend Lori were in town visiting us this weekend and thankfully made it in Friday before the snow hit. The snow changed our plans for the weekend a bit, but we made our own fun and still had a great weekend. Friday night we visited the National Christmas Tree and saw the White House. The tree is really beautiful and we had fun looking at all the little state trees with their personalized ornaments.

Saturday, Eddie had a killer idea for some snow fun with his snowboard and we all had a blast playing in the snow....check out the video below. We're buffing up on our video skills for Baby G. I have a feeling Baby G is going to be starring in A LOT of movies!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

turkey day & 26 weeks

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend in North Carolina with Eddie's family. A lot of food and a lot of laughs- how could it not be fun?! My birthday fell on Thanksgiving Day this year which doesn't happen too often and it was fun to just be together with everyone. I introduced noodles to the NC family and I think they turned out to be a hit! Having homemade noodles at Thanksgiving and Christmas is a long-standing tradition in my family and it just doesn't seem like the holidays to me without them. I have a lot of great memories of making the dough, rolling, cutting, drying, and cooking the noodles together with my mom and grandmas. It was fun to share the tradition with my new family.

Saturday was really beautiful and a bunch of us headed to the park for a nice walk, geocaching, and playing on the playground. Cute picture of the girls and Edward.

Things are going well on the baby front. We had another ultrasound a couple weeks ago so they could finish up what they weren't able to see the first time. Everything looked great and Baby G is developing just as expected. Horray! It was amazing to see how much baby had grown in the 3 weeks since the previous ultrasound! At our 21 week ultrasound the baby weighed less than a pound, and at 24 weeks the baby weighed 1 lb. 9 oz! Grow baby, grow! And we again stuck with our decision to not find out the gender. :-)

We're now 26 weeks 1 day. Here's a pic of baby this week, courtesy of Baby Center:

and here's a pic of me at 26 weeks...